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Indie Playground (2018)

Commissioned by GameIS. Presented in Beit Ariela.

Co-curated with Pierre Corbinais and Chloé Desmoineaux.

This exhibition was the first installment of the "Sil Vous Play!" collection created by Pierre Corbinais and Chloé Desmoineaux for Institut Français. The collection is meant to travel the world to showcase the plentiful French indie game scene. The Institut Français in Tel Aviv approached GameIS to bring this project to Israel.

I was commissioned by GameIS to select games from that collection, match them with Israeli indie games, write texts and prepare them for exhibition.

The result was a large, diverse and colorful exhibition of games from a wide variety of genres and styles.


The Games:
Lacrymo Tennis 2016 by Vincent Ducos
Vignettes by Pol Clarissou, Armel Gibson, Pat Ashe, David Kanaga
A Blind Legend by DOWiNO
Californium by Darjeeling
Homo Machina by Darjeeling
Pikuniku by Sectordub
Bury me, my Love by The Pixel Hunt
Fragments of Euclid by Antoine Zanuttini
Sacramento by Delphine Fourneau
Blind Drive by Lo-Fi People
Grime by Funnel Entertainment
Matkot by Dori Adar & Gustavo Viselner
BUCK by Wave Interactive
JMPR by Omry Hanegby
Velocity Rage by MYSTICGG


Producer: Dor Ben Dor

Executive Producer: Goldy

Graphics: Reut Kersz

Some more info at the exhibition website (Hebrew).

Full exhibition text is available HERE​.

All photos in this page by Nir Miretzky (full album here)

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